What immunisations do you need to visit Colombia? Are anti malarial tablets necessary?
It is normally advised that you have tetanus, hepatitis A and yellow fever vaccinations before you visit Colombia. Note that a Yellow Fever Certificate is not a requirement for entry to Colombia, however if you plan on subsequently visiting other countries (eg. Brazil) you will be required to present the certificate at immigration and refused entry if you don't.
In addition to the above vaccines, it is sometimes advised that the following jabs are taken, but these are the less important ones: typhoid; rabies; hepatitis B; tuberculosis; diphtheria and cholera. These are generally the options your doctor will say that you might want to consider - they're not particularly necessary. Rabies, for example, is only suggested if you're visiting extremely remote regions from where it would take one days to reach a hospital or health clinic.
Malaria tablets are only necessary if you travel anywhere South of Cali (eg. to Popayan, San Agustin or Leticia), or if you visit the Pacific Coast or Capurgana. If visiting any of the following regions of Colombia, malaria tablets are not necessary as the disease is rarely present: Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, Coffee country, most of the Caribbean Coast.
See the map of the malaria zones of Colombia below - regions where malaria is present are coloured dark red.

Malaria zones map of Colombia
Disclaimer: we make no claim that the above advice is accurate or up to date. If in doubt ask your doctor, or see the NHS Fit For Travel website from where much of this health advice, and the map, was gleaned.